Rebate Administration

Commercial Rebate & Incentive Services

There are dollars out there, but getting them can be challenging.


Rebates and incentives can put valuable dollars back in your budget for executing efficiency projects, but the process can be complex and challenging to manage.

We take the rebate process off your plate

Let's Talk


Awareness of Applicable ProgramsIs Your Business Capitalizing on Rebates?


The rebate and incentive landscape can be layered and complex. Multiple programs are available at the city, county, state, and federal levels. We can help.

Here's some of what we take off your plate: 

  • We carefully analyze each site's characteristics and the specific requirements of various programs across your national footprint 
  • We conduct a thorough opportunity assessment based on your goals and your available programs 
  • We build you a rebates and incentives project roadmap that maximizes the impact of your budget

EligibilitySimplify Your Eligibility Journey


Eligibility requirements are multifaceted and can change year over year.

A team of eligibility pros: Our experts specialize in identifying potential disqualifying or limiting factors that could hinder your eligibility. We meticulously examine every aspect of your plans to ensure that you meet the necessary criteria for the approval process.  We’ll handle research and identify potential disqualifying or limiting factors, so you don’t have to! 

This includes: 

  • Deficiencies in equipment specifications 
  • Rate code mismatch 
  • Project-level or EIN-level incentive caps

Viability and ROI CalculationKnow Where and When to Invest


Access our reliable ROI-based approach across multiple locations.
Assessing the financial viability and return on investment of energy projects to maximize benefits is daunting when dealing with multiple locations across many states. 

Here’s some of what we prioritize: 

  • ROI-based approach in support of customer’s CapEx budgeting process, whether proactive or ROF/RTF
  • Consideration for lease circumstances, demand, consumption, and labor costs - as well as timing constraints 
  • Goal = a sequenced roadmap rooted in financial viability and maximum return 

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Application Process and Requirements

Eliminate frustration. Avoid deciphering complex program guidelines. 


Navigating the intricate landscape of rebate and incentive programs can be daunting.  The application process and requirements can be confusing and complex. 
We leave no stone unturned. Our rebate team will take the entire application process off your plate.  This is our specialty, and we don’t stop until your check has been received. 

We will: 

  • Conduct a thorough engineering and audit review
  • Facilitate preliminary approvals, site inspections, and release for installation
  • Drive the final approval process 

ImplementationEffortless Multi-Site Coordination. Coordinating efficiency efforts across multiple sites is a daunting challenge. 


Let Us Handle the Coordination for You! 
With various vendors, contractors, and locations involved, it's crucial to have a well-organized and optimized process.  That's where we come in.

We specialize in maximizing impact by: 

  • Seamlessly coordinating with your vendors and contractors to ensure your efficiency projects are implemented with precision
  • Coordinating optimal scheduling and implementation with all parties 
  • Addressing vendor invoice issues 
  • Collecting vendor photos 
  • Submitting proof of execution 
  • Collecting and disbursing payment to you

Stakeholder Management

We will work directly with your stakeholders to achieve your goals 


Managing multiple stakeholders across multiple projects can be time-consuming.  Experience the peace of mind that comes with efficient and hassle-free rebate management.

Here’s what we’ll cover on our way to getting you paid: 

  • Coordination of schedules 
  • Handling project and application correspondence 
  • Obtaining access for project inspections 
  • All the other little things that come with working with numerous stakeholders to get things done

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Good Documentation Avoids Delays 


Once you know you're eligible for specific rebates and incentives, you still have the burden of proving it through accurate documentation.

Let Us Simplify the Paperwork for You 

We can help you eliminate documentation discrepancies that could disqualify your business from receiving available rebates. Let us ensure you can claim the maximum amount possible from your various projects. 

Trust us with your end-to-end documentation needs 

  • We know the ropes.  Have peace of mind knowing that we're meticulous about accuracy and adherence to program requirements. 
  • We work with your vendors  We'll collaborate closely with your vendors, providing them with the necessary information and guidelines. 
  • We don't stop until the job is done  We'll own the process to ensure that all documentation is collected and submitted accurately.

Expedited Payment Receipt

Timely payment requires frequent follow-up.


Waiting for payment after meeting requirements is frustrating, especially when it involves consistent follow-up across various layers like 3rd party managers, engineers, and utility representatives. We handle the most crucial aspect: Ensuring you get paid!  Here’s what sets us apart: 

  • We handle everything in-house. There's no need for you to navigate through multiple channels or contacts. Simply come straight to us with any questions or updates regarding your rebate. Our dedicated experts are always ready to provide the information and assistance you need. 
  • We move things along. We pride ourselves in our ability to expedite the payment approval process, enabling your funds to be delivered as swiftly as possible. 
  • We recognize the significance of a smooth payment process. Our dedicated team is committed to supporting you at every stage.

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Our Rebate and Incentive experts are standing by to answer any of your questions.

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Our rebates and incentive experts are standing by to answer any of your questions.

Let's find out how much you can put back in your budget!

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